The NPS supports the Californian CESU (CA-CESU) by providing a regional science advisor who leads research projects and manages administrative tasks for the network. UC Berkeley students are brought on by the science advisor to participate in research projects and other CA-CESU work. See current and past UC Berkeley CA-CESU students listed below.
Science Advisor
Current CA-CESU Students
Past CA-CESU Students
After Berkeley: Research Technician with the University of Florida Game Lab
After Berkeley: PhD program in plant physiological ecology
After Berkeley: Master's student at the UC Santa Barbara Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
After Berkeley: Nursery Team Lead/Shrub Specialist for Our City Forest
Project: Water Quality of Yosemite & Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks
After Berkeley: Software Engineer at the Bank of America
Project: Water Quality of Yosemite and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Parks
After Berkeley: Sr. Associate at Gallagher Insurance, Risk Management and Consulting
Project: Analysis of River Flows at Yosemite and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks
After Berkeley: Software Intern at Google
After Berkeley: MS student in Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
After Berkeley: Director at Vida Verde's Summer Leadership Project, substitute teaching with Oakland Unified School District
Data Science Assistant and Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis: Using Convolutional Neural Nets to Monitor Seals from Aerial Imagery
After Berkeley: Course Software and Infrastructure Engineer for UCB Data Science Undergraduate Studies
Data Science Intern
Projects: Prairie Falcon Occupancy Analysis, River Flow Analysis at Yosemite and Sequioa & Kings Canyon National Parks
After Berkeley: MS student in Data Science at Columbia University
After Berkeley: MSc student in satellite tech for earth observations at the Technical University of Munich